A plugin for GrayJay that supports Tiktok. This repo is currently a work-in-progress and will be updated regularly.
This plugin has 2 parts:
Current features:
Missing features:
# First clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/IntegerOverfl0w/grayjay-tiktok
# Then Setup the python virtual environment using the setup.sh script
sh script.sh && source tt_env/bin/activate
# open up tiktok.com in a browser, click the search bar and search for a user then copy the ms_token cookie from the browser
# in chrome: right click + Inspect -> Go to the "Application" tab (may be hidden under ">>") ->
# ... Click on Local Storage -> https://www.tiktok.com -> copy the msToken value
# Make sure to open up secrets.py after running this command and paste your MSTOKEN value
cp secrets.sample.py secrets.py
# ..and then run the server
python server.py